Boels Zanders was involved in the sale of the Leyhoeve Groningen residential/care real estate complex to the American real estate investor Heitman.

Bonita Holding BV acted as guarantor in this transaction. Bonita is a private equity firm of the late Mr Bosman, founder of Wim Bosman Logistics. Heitman is a global real estate investment management firm with $43.5 billion in assets.

The deal was completed in October 2018 and is valued at over $80 million.

Boels Zanders was also involved in the purchase of all shares in Hesdo by the Commaxx Group. Hesbo has branches the Netherlands, Belgium and Hong Kong as has a range of some 600 products including phones and baby phones, their brands include Alecto, Fysic and Profoon. This was completed in February 2019.