Law Office Milošević is extremely glad that cooperation with other ADVOC members keeps on thriving even in these unprecedented times. Mutual respect and high level of professionalism are the cornerstones of a successful team work, and ADVOC members do not lack in any of those departments, but rather set new standards continuously.


We are deeply grateful for any and all cooperation with our esteemed colleagues thus far, be it through referrals “to” or “by” Law Office Milošević. In this instance we would like to point out one interesting case that reaches several jurisdictions and on which we work together with our dear colleagues from Croatia, Maćešić and Partners.


The case concerns our client, the largest container ship and supply vessel operator in the world, active in ocean and inland freight transportation and associated services, such as supply chain management and port operation, in a procedure relating to unsettled debt due to oil spillage in a shipping container, against a Serbian company specialized in wholesale.


We are looking forward to any new professional challenges and our individual and collective growth.