Cooperation with between Lindblad & Co and Loze & Partners

Lasse Jelekäinen, Associate, Attorneys Lindblad & Co Ltd, Finland

We were glad at Lindblad & Co when Kristaps from Loze & Partners, in Latvia, approached us, asking for cross-border legal counsel for their client, which is a large corporation with operations world-wide. The Client’s subsidiary in Finland required some changes in their management. They had already drafted some documents for board meetings etc. Lindblad quickly took in the case and began reviewing it with the Client’s representative.

Together they noticed that under Finnish laws a board meeting was unnecessary to change the CEO of the company and Lindblad’s team quickly drafted a board resolution, which can be signed without a meeting, since the board composition was small enough that such a resolution was easily signed by all the members, thus saving precious time and paperwork when the meeting and minutes were unnecessary.

Meanwhile, working together with the Client and also keeping our friends in Latvia up-to-date of our workings, we also asked if any other changes were necessary and if there was something else that we could do. The Client had all their needs fulfilled with the change of the CEO, but we think it’s valuable to get to know the client better and see if we could help them in other ways related to the assignment.

All in all, we were able to get all parts of the assignment done in a matter of weeks and registration proceedings are well underway as we wrote this Gazette article.

“We recommended Lindblad through our Advoc network because of their excellent reputation and proven expertise, as well as the good personal relationships that were developed though the Advoc Future (formerly known as Junior Advoc) programme. We are glad to see that our confidence in them was well-placed and that they were able to fulfil the client’s instructions successfully.” – Kristaps Loze, Partner, Loze & Partners.