Deal 1

During the last three months of 2018 Cocuzza & Associati (Giulia Comparini, Stefania Sansò, Patrizio Cataldo) advised the private equity real estate fund Queensgate Investments in the execution of the Italian part of an amendment to the syndicated refinancing of around Euro 215m to Generator Hostels completed in December 2017 and entered into, among others, with SocGen and HSBC, as SocGen sold the majority of its position in the above refinancing to Aareal Bank. The Lenders were assisted by Dentons.

Deal 2

Cocuzza & Associati (Claudio Cocuzza, Stefania Sansò, Domenica Cotroneo) advised Parfois - the Portuguese group leader in distribution of women‘s clothing accessories - in purchasing from T.B. Holding Srl in liquidazione in amministrazione straordinaria (an insolvency proceeding) a going concern composed - among others - by 25 stores located all over Italy, both in shopping centers and city centers.

For this transaction, that was completed in September 2018, the Cocuzza team dealt with the Liquidator of the insolvency proceeding and the Ministry of Economy and Finance.