On 9 July 2021, Anne-Marie van Dijk was sworn in as a German lawyer [Rechtsanwältin] by the Düsseldorf Bar Association [Rechtsanwaltskammer]. This will allow full-service law firm Boels Zanders to provide an even better service for its clients in the border region.

For a lawyer to be admitted to the bar association in two different countries is exceptional and very valuable within the legal profession. Anne-Marie will be able to advise Boels Zanders’ clients in cross-border cases under both Dutch and German law and if necessary represent their interests before both the Dutch and German courts. Anne-Marie explains: “A client will no longer need to engage two law firms in two different countries for cross-border advice or cross-border proceedings, but can be assisted by a single representative. That will save the client time and money. It will also give the client a clearer overview of the case.” But if the specialist knowledge of a German lawyer in a particular area of law is still required, Anne-Marie will be able to link up more quickly and smoothly with her German colleagues thanks to being qualified as a Rechtsanwältin. Conversely, as a Germany specialist, she will also be even better able to clarify the relevant German legislation for a Dutch court if that is necessary in Dutch proceedings.

Professional career

Anne-Marie van Dijk has been a lawyer with Boels Zanders since 2014. She is a member of the teams for national/international commercial contracts (specifically contracts and general terms and conditions) and litigation and liability (specifically debt collection, (international) personal injury, attachments, enforcement of Dutch and foreign judgments, and (German) insolvency challenges). Based on these areas of expertise, Anne-Marie is a member of the German Practice department at Boels Zanders. She gained her Master’s degree in Dutch Civil Law at Radboud University Nijmegen and a further Master’s degree in German Civil Law at the University of Münster